How To Play Left Field (Overview)

Maybe the least demanding position in all of baseball is left field.  It is a corner outfield position and easier than right field because the throws are shorter to 3rd base.

Oftentimes a power hitter that may not be the strongest player defensively will play left field and play adequate enough defense to keep his or her bat in the lineup.  The team is relying on this player more for their hitting ability vs their fielding ability.

However, if a team can find a player that is boat an offensive asset and a defevnsive asset, the player can save some additional runs by playing an above average left field.

Regardless of the position a player is most often going to play, he or she needs to continue to develop skills, work on certain drills and be ready on every pitch.  Practice preparation is important as the pitcher staff deserves 100% commitment from all defensive players in every position.

How To Play Left Field

The best left fielders have the ability to run a fly ball down in the gap, get to hard hit line drives and make an above average throw to the proper base.  Getting a great jump on a hit can make up for average to below average speed.

Below, I will dive into the following topics related to playing left field:

  • Skills Required
  • The Importance of Legs and Arms
  • Keys to Making Quality Throws
  • Proper Positioning in Left Field
  • Drills to Improve Your Fielding Skills
The outfielders are really important and can save big time hits into the gaps.

How To Play Left Field: Skills Required

We started to list some of the skills above, but here is a complete look at the list of skills required to be a quality left field for your team.

  • Speed – While difficult to train speed, speed does help in the outfield.
  • Vision – A left folder must be able to have a clear vision and get a good read on a fly ball or a line drive.
  • Arm Strength – While not a major requirement to play left field, a strong arm will help cut down on runners advancing more than one hit on a single.
  • Knowledge – The left fielder could go several innings without a ball hit in their direction.  Remaining focused on the game and aware of the hitter up to bat is key to the overall success in this position.

How to decide baseball positions?

How To Play Left Field: The Importance of the Legs and Arm

The left fielder typically is one of the weakest overall fielders on the team, but it is still important to be aware of how to maximize their skills.

  • The left fielder relies on his or her legs to run down fly balls.  Be in the ready position and ready to sprint on every pitch.
  • Work on getting to the ball and getting set vs floating to the ball and being out of position to make a strong throw.
  • By being in position, you are able to save 1-2 seconds and make a strong throw upon catching the ball or fielding a base hit.
  • Use two hands to have the throwing arm ready to go when possible.
  • Use the proper footwork to get to baseballs hit in the gaps or short or long.
  • Communicate with your teammates on baseballs hit in between various positions.
  • Catch any fly ball you can get moving forward and look to call off the infidels on these in between balls.

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Coaches should consider many factors when determine positions for their players.

How To Play Left Field: The Key to Making Quality Throws

  • Many of the throws from the left fielder are strong overhand throws on a sharp line through the cutoff man.  The ball that flies the cutoff man could cost the team an out or an extra run.
  • The left fielder needs to use proper footwork to make strong throws to and thru the cutoff man.
  • The left fielder needs to anticipate where the ball will be thrown if it a ball is hit as base hit or a fly ball out.

What is the hardest position in baseball?

How To Play Left Field: Proper Positioning at left field

  • There is no fixed position, know the hitter and the pitcher.
  • Study the hitter and adjust throughout an at bat and during the game.
  • Know the power of the hitter.  This will impact the depth you are playing at.
  • Field the ball and make a quality decision.
  • Know the condition of the field and the weather conditions.  Is the ball flying far? Is it windy? What direction is the wind blowing?

How are baseball positions numbered?

How To Play Left Field: Drills to Improve Your Fielding Skills

  • Spend the most time on learning to read the ball off the bat.
  • Work on developing speed in 20-40 yard sprints.
  • Practice going back on a ball and in on a ball.  Learn to chase down balls in the gaps.
  • Work on pop flies into foul territory.  Where is the bullpen or the fence.

Baseball positions in order of importance (rankings)

Every player should have the knowledge and skill to play multiple positions.

Things to Consider: Other Positions

Do you have the skill to play left field?  What is your secondary position?

Other Ideas for Improvement: Watch The Best of All Time

There have been some great outfielders over time.  Watch videos and take note of the following: positioning, reads on the ball, angles taken and throwing technique.

Final Thoughts

Whether you are a player or coach, keep the game in perspective and keep it fun.  The joy of working hard, improving and competing should keep the player coming back to every practice and return to the team the following year.  Enjoy the journey, embrace your teammates and celebrate the accomplishments along the way.  Baseball is supposed to be fun, let’s all work to keep it that way!

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