How to Play Running Back

Running backs are important players on any football team.  Running backs are typically tough players, who are fast and athletic.  

Running backs score touchdowns, they catch passes, they block, and are a crucial piece to any offense in the game of football.  The importance of the running back has changed over the years, and teams now look for different styles of running backs, based on size, strength, and speed.

How to Play Running Back

Running backs require many different skills.   These skills include speed, strength, catching ability, blocking ability, toughness, and athleticism.  The running back is an important part of any offense, and can change the game based on their success.

Running backs are a crucial position on the football field.  Running backs are required to do a variety of skills and do them well.  Below we will discuss the skills required to be a great running back.

How to Play Running Back: Skills Required (Speed)

Speed – This may be the most vital skill of a running back, as they are constantly carrying the football.  Running backs need to have speed in order to run away from defenders.  Speed is an integral part of any sport, but running backs must possess this skill in order to be successful.

Running backs are the players that are responsible for scoring touchdowns.  If running backs can get into the open field, it is vital that they have the skills to get into the endzone.  

Running backs do not necessarily have to be the fastest players on the field, as many times wide receivers have a bit more speed, mostly because running backs need to have some other attributes as well, which we will discuss below.  

To learn more about the other positions in football, check this article out:  Toughest Positions in Football

Running backs also are required to block and catch the football, and speed is helpful with these requirements as well.  Developing speed as a young player is important for success.

How to Play Football: Skills Required (Strength)

Strength – This is maybe the second most important skill for running backs.  Strength is important because of many reasons including the ability to block defenders.

Running backs must be able to protect the quarterback, and this means blocking defensive ends or defensive tackles, players who are typically bigger than a running back. Although blocking skills are important, strength to do so makes blocking much easier.

Strength is built in the weight room and also on the field.  Football players typically spend a great deal of time working on their strength so that it translates to the field.  Having strength help in all areas of the game, including running the ball, blooking, and tackling.

Running backs need to be explosive and developing strength helps this explosiveness.

How to Play Running Back: Skills Required (Blocking Ability)

  • Blocking for the quarterback is an essential skill.
  • Blocking for other running backs is important.
  • Blocking for receivers is also important as the running back is sometimes put in other spots on the field besides in the backfield.
  • Many running backs play special teams, such as kick return and punt return.  Blocking in these situations is vital for running backs.

How to Play Running Back: Skills Required (Toughness)

This attribute may be more of a mindset, but toughness is also physical.  Toughness can be developed through the weight room, by building strength and confidence.

Running backs must be physical as they are taking and delivering hits on a regular basis.  Having mental and physical toughness is essential for success.  Toughness can develop over time, but without having this attribute, playing running back can be extremely challenging.

Running backs are making contact on every play, whether they are carrying the ball, catching the ball and running, or blocking for a teammate, toughness comes into play often.  Having the mental fortitude and physical toughness will help in these situations.

How to Play Running Back: Skills Required (Athleticism)

Running backs need athleticism because they have the responsibility to make plays and create plays for others.  

Running backs need to make defenses miss, to break tackles, and evade defenders everytime they touch the ball.

Running backs are required to carry the football, block, and also catch the football.  These are three very different skills, but all crucial for success.  Running backs need to be athletic, because these skills are not easy to perform, but vital for success.

Does Playing Running Back Require a High Football IQ?

Yes, playing football does require a high football IQ.  This position is demanding both physically and mentally.  The running back is involved in every play, but they typically line up differently each play and also have a different assignment on each play.

The mental part of playing running back can be as demanding as the physical part.  A player may be very physical, but does not possess the mental capabilities to play the position.  Running backs need both the physical and mental parts of the game.

Who are Some of the Best Running Backs to Play in the NFL Ever?

  • Walter Payton
  • Emmitt Smith
  • Jim Brown
  • Barry Sanders
  • Adrian Peterson
  • Franco Harris
  • Tony Dorsett
  • Eric Dickerson
  • OJ Simpson

This is a list of 9 of the best running backs to ever play the game.  What skills did they possess?  These running backs possessed all of the skills listed above, and then some.  

All of these running backs had both the physical and mental attributes to be successful at the top level of football.  They all left their marks on the game of football, and showed those that followed what it took to be great.

Each of these running backs had different styles, but toughness was definitely a part of each of them, both physical and mental.

Is Playing Running Back Fun?

Playing running back might be the most enjoyable position in football.  Most young players want to play running back, mostly for glory and recognition.  Running backs are required to perform a lot of different tasks, making it a fun position to play.

Playing running back is demanding, but many put the work in to be great.  If you are willing to put the work in, this position can be very satisfying.  

Is Running Back the Position for you?

Final Thoughts

Playing running back is fun, but demanding.  The physical and mantal parts of football, and especially for a running back, can be extremely high.  

Running backs are required to complete many tasks on the field, such as, carrying the football, catching the football, and blocking for teammates.  These requirements are not for everyone, but there are attributes and skills required to be successful at these tasks.

Athleticism, strength, and speed are just a few of the skills needed to play running back.  Size is also an issue, but this can be developed in the weight room.  See how big you need to be to play running back.

Playing running back can be very rewarding, but working hard and developing skills is extremely important.  Understanding the game of football is also a vital skill to have as the demands are extremely high.

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