What Do Football Players Wear to Keep Warm?

Football is a sport that starts in the summer, but ends in late fall.  The seasons change rapidly and so does the temperature.  This rapid change in temperature can be a shock to the body and how it reacts.

Football players have a difficult task of finding the fine line between staying warm, but also comfortable and flexible, wearing enough clothes, but not too much to feel restricted.

The NFL has done a good job of providing heated benches and heat blowers to help player stay as comfortable as possible during competition.

What Do Football Players Wear to Keep Warm?

Football players nowadays have many options to keep warm during a cold game.  Football players wear heat packs, heated insoles, long sleeve compression shirts, leggings, ski masks, gloves, and jackets to keep warm during games.  

We will discuss all of these in length and the advantages of wearing these items underneath football equipment.

Long Sleeve Compression

Staying warm has come a long way with sports.  Years ago, players wore long sleeve cotton shirts, or you might even see old clips of football players wearing hoodies under their shoulder pads.  

Long sleeve compression shirts are a great choice for those that do not want to feel restricted, but also need to stay warm.  The main manufacturers have designed great products for athletes that desire to stay warm, but also compete at a high level.

Sleeves were cotton and not very tight (1967)

Warmth from Long Sleeve Compression Shirts

These shirts are designed to hold heat through technology that uses a brushed interior design.  This material traps the body’s heat for a long period of time and acts as a great base layer for cold weather.

These shirts are not waterproof, but will dry quickly compared to , let’s say, a cotton shirt.  They also contain anti-odor technology that helps when sweating and performing in a sport.

Heat Packs

If you ever watch an NFL game you will see mostly quarterbacks wearing a pouch around their waist.  This pouch is used to keep a players’ hands warm and ready to compete.  

Quarterback, receivers, and running backs are the most common positions for heat packs, mostly because they are handling the ball often throughout a football game.

Heated Insoles

Keeping your feet warm is important to hold warmth for competing.  Heated insoles are rechargeable and can be extremely effective in keeping players warm and comfortable.

Heated insoles are somewhat expensive, ranging from $100-$300.  These heated insoles are extremely reliable and effective.  Many of them are battery operated or rechargeable.  

Wearing extra socks can definitely help football players stay warm, but these insoles are definitely easier than wearing extra socks.  


These are extremely popular with athletes, and have become very popular for football players.   Leggings help players stay warm by keeping the warmth inside.  Body heat can be contained with leggings.  

Leggings can also serve the purpose of protection for players as they fall on the turf or grass often.  

Leggings are many times worn even when it isn’t cold as well, as they provide a layer of protection for players.  

Leggings come in full length, which go down to the ankles.  Leggings also come in ¾ length, which go to about mid-calf.  During cold temperatures, full length leggings are much more popular and effective.

Ski Masks

Ski masks are a great way to keep warm.  Players will wear these to keep their necks warm during competition.

Ski masks work really well because they fit well under the football helmets.  Some players will wear a lighter version of these even when it is warm, to help keep sweat away from their eyes.


Jackets are worn on the sidelines when players are not in the game.  Players will put their jackets on as soon as they get to the sideline, and then remove them right before they enter the game.

What is the Coldest Football Game Ever?

December 1, 1967 is the coldest NFL game ever.  This game was nicknamed the “Ice Bowl.”  This game was played at Lambeau field.   The game was a championship game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Green Bay Packers.

The temperature at game time was -13 degrees, and had a wind chill of -38 degrees.  It was so cold during this game that there were several players who were treated for frostbite and one fan actually died of cold exposure.

Does the Cold Affect Football Players?

Yes, cold weather definitely negatively impacts some of the game.  Cold temperatures can create barriers for teams.  

Handling the football definitely becomes an issue, the ability to move quickly is also impaired.  Muscles do not work at the same capacity as when they are warm.

It is easy to lose focus when it is cold out, and can be a big distrater for some players.

Why Do Some Players Not Wear Long Sleeves When it is Cold?

If you turn on an NFL game, you will notice that even during cold weather, some players do not wear long sleeves. Many of the bigger players choose not to wear long sleeves.

There could be a few reasons.  One reason is that players feel restricted when wearing long sleeves, causing less range of motion. 

Another reason why players do not wear long sleeves is because they have to handle the football.  When you carry a football, you typically carry it in your bicep and forearm and then up against your chest.  The skin helps to hold the ball in place, making it more difficult to fumble the football.

Final Thoughts

Football starts when it is warm, and for many, ends when it is very cold.  Having the ability to adjust to the temperature is very important.  

Cold weather can make a big difference in the game, causing players to feel slower than normal.  The cold weather definitely impacts the handling of the football.

The gear described above is essential for feeling warm and comfortable.  It is important to use all resources so that players can be at their best.

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