Wearing the proper equipment in football is extremely important. If you are planning on playing football in the near future, choosing the proper cleats will be an important decision.
Changing direction in football is extremely important, and an essential skill. Changing direction needs to be natural, without any hesitation or slippage.
Why Do Football Players Wear Cleats?
Cleats provide traction, support, and protection. Cleats are an essential part of the necessary equipment for football players. In order to perform at a high level, cleats need to be chosen wisely in order to be effective on the field.
Football cleats are an essential piece to the equipment necessary. We will answer several questions below regarding the style and effectiveness of cleats.
Is there an Advantage to Wearing Cleats?
There is a definite advantage to wearing cleats. Football is a game that requires players to change directions, and change directions quickly. In order to do this, the body needs to move effectively, but the players feet need to move quickly as well.
If players are held back because of lack of traction, or they are slipping often, the effectiveness for a football player definitely declines.
The advantage is that players can change directions and cut quickly, making it difficult for the opponent to react to.
Are All Cleats the Same?
There are many different types of cleats and many different styles. The main shoe manufacturers make cleats that are effective for football. Finding the proper fit and and style is important for football players.
The styles include low tops, high tops, and mid. The different styes are mostly for comfortability, but also can affect protection of the foot.
Cleats that are low tops and mesh will not provide the same durability and protection as cleats that are high tops and made of solid materials.
What Material are Football Cleats Made Out of?
Older cleats we made out of leather, but over the years, the design of cleats has evolved. Cleats are not made out of a synthetic material that is solid in weather and also can on impact and other cleats.
The actual cleats are usually detachable and are made out of rubber, metal, or hard plastic. Some of this is based on personal preference. Metal cleats usually have metal tips, different from baseball metal cleats.
Are Football Cleats Different from Soccer Cleats?
Yes, football cleats are different from soccer cleats. Soccer cleats are typically a little thinner than football cleats
In football, different positions wear different styles of cleats. Linemen, for example, need more protection for their feet. Linemen get stepped on frequently, so in order to protect their toes and feet, a thicker shoe is recommended.
Soccer cleats are narrower than football cleats, so soccer cleats, if worn by football players, should be worn by quarterbacks and positions with less contact.
Soccer cleats are typically very low cleats, where football cleats will protect more of the ankles as well.
Do Cleats Make You Faster?
Cleats can definitely help an athlete to move, however overall speed is not necessarily improved because of cleats. Cleats do provide better traction and movement control.
Speed is developed through training, not necessarily because of a shoe. The difference from training is more important than the shoes that are worn.
Is it Difficult to Run in Cleats?
Overall it is not difficult to run in cleats, but there is a break-in period with any shoes, but especially with cleats. Typically, cleats are a bit bigger and bulkier than tennis shoes, and do require some time to feel comfortable.
The thickness of cleats can be difficult to get used to, but once these cleats are broken in, players definitely will get an advantage when competing.
Is There a Specific Manufacturer that Makes Football Cleats?
Most of the big name manufacturers produce cleats for football. These companies are committed to improving their cleats and providing athletes with comfort, protection, and performance.
Nike, Adidias, Mizuno, Under Armour, just to name a few, are companies that make football cleats and continue to use technology to improve.
Do they Make Youth Football Cleats?
Yes, youth football is a very popular sport, and football players of all ages wear cleats to gain traction, protection, and improve performance. Cleats are essential for football players, but youth players do take a little longer time to adjust to the feel of cleats.
Can I Wear Normal Socks with Football Cleats?
Normal socks can be worn with football cleats, but a thicker pair of socks is recommended. Thicker socks will help prevent blisters and sore from developing on the foot. Football cleats are a little more rough and stiff than a normal tennis shoe.
Many football players like to wear a high sock when playing in a game. These cocks are typically a bit thicker and provide a little more padding inside the shoes.
Do Football Cleats Fit the Same at Tennis Shoes?
Football cleats will feel a bit more snug than a normal tennis shoe. This does not mean that you should buy a bigger pair of football cleats. Football cleats should fit tighter than regular tennis shoes.
Traction and cutting is important in football, so if you are wearing loose shoes and trying to perform, you are holding yourself back a bit. Football shoes should be tight at first, but will loosen up and conform to each player’s foot after time.
Final Thoughts
Football players of all ages need to perform, but also be safe during competition. Having the ability to cut and have traction is an important part of football. Performing at a high level can be developed, but having the proper footwear is important.
When choosing footwear for football, cleats are a necessity. There is a break-in period where the shoes may feel tight and uncomfortable.
Wear shoes around the house and any chance that you have, as this will help loosen the shoes up and conform to your feet.
Football cleats come in all sizes and designs. It is important to find the right fit in order to perform at the highest level possible.